Creating custom modal with form in Drupal 8
A modal in Drupal 8 can be triggered by just adding this single line:
Important: Make sure to add drupal core library ‘core/drupal.dialog.ajax’ to call ajax modal to the page triggering the modal.
Before start learning how to create custom modal, checkout the following repository:
Step 1: Create info.yml
Create info.yml file which will include information about our custom module:
Step 2: Create controller
Now, create a controller file which will display our custom modal. So, first create routing.yml file which defines the controller.
This will define our controller from where the modal will get triggered. Then, create controller file:
The ModalController should extend ControllerBase.
Step 3: Create form
Create a Form:
Step 4: Call form and OpenModalDialogCommand()
Once the form is created, call this form through controller using “$form = \Drupal::formBuilder()->getForm()”. Now create modal by creating object of OpenModalDialogCommand() inside ajax response.
This will create a modal and set its width. Then, its wrapped into AJAX response object.
Step 5: Create block to trigger modal
Now, create a block, which contains a button to trigger modal.